Stephen Vickers

Snatch Lift

The Snatch Lift – What You Need to Know

The snatch lift is one of two fundamental lifts in Olympic weightlifting sports. The other is clean and jerk. It’s a complex lift that takes months, or even years, of practice to achieve, so be prepared for the long haul. This is a lift that...

Best Deadlift Bars

The Best Deadlift Bars

If you’re a beginner to deadlifts, there are a few types of deadlift bars you can try out. The traditional barbells, dumbbells, and trap bars. The trap bar deadlift is perfect because it creates less stress on your body. It’s also known as a hex bar...

Best Vertical Leg Press Machines

The Best Vertical Leg Press Machines

Vertical leg press machines allow you to do weight training exercises by using your legs to resist the load. This type of leg press benefits key muscles in the legs and lower back. There are a couple of different designs to leg press machines. These...

Best Stall Bars

The Best Stall Bars (Swedish Wall Bars)

Stall bars are also known as Swedish bars, Swedish ladders, and wall bars. They look like a simple piece of gym equipment, but they’re very useful for may exercises. This includes strength and mobility training and also exercises for...

The 10 Most Popular Olympic Lifts and Derivatives

Looking for a new challenge?  Want to gain speed, flexibility, coordination, muscle, and strength? Olympic Lifts and their derivatives are exactly what you need. Weight training not only builds muscles, but it helps develop bone mass too. Heavy...

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