The Best Exercises to Lose Weight in the Face and Neck

The Best Exercises to Lose Weight in the Face and Neck

It’s amazing how losing a bit of weight in the face and around the neck can dramatically improve a person’s appearance. Yet, most people have no idea what exercises to do to achieve it. In this article, we identify the top eight exercises to lose weight in the face and neck that can make you look years younger.

A Word About Weight Loss

It is scientifically impossible to spot reduce fat from your body. That includes losing fat from your face and neck just as much as it does your face and neck. The fat stores on your body are distributed all over your body. They are the result of too many calories in and too few calories out. 

The way to get rid of stored body fat is to burn off more calories than you take in. And the best way to do that is to combine a reduced-calorie diet with intermittent fasting and high-intensity interval training. 

There is, however, research that suggests that doing exercises for the face and neck can help to remove fat from these areas. They will also tone and tighten the muscles of the face and neck.

Another thing you can do to lose weight on your face and neck is to cut back on alcohol consumption. Alcohol tends to have a dehydrating effect on the body. The body reacts to this by storing water, often in the face. Alcohol also contains 7 calories per gram, making it very calorie-dense. This can lead to weight gain all over the body, including the face and neck.

A Note About the Exercises

The exercises that we are about to describe for your face and neck are simple, fast, and effective. You can perform the allocated number of reps in under a minute. For best results, we recommend repeating each exercise at least three times over the course of the day.

You should also be forewarned that some of these exercises (we’re thinking of the Fish Face) will not present your face in the most flattering of poses. For that reason, you might want to wait until you are alone before you do your face and neck fat loss workout!

The 4 Best Neck Exercises:

1. Blowing Air

The blowing air exercise will give an effective workout to the muscles of your cheeks, chin, and neck. Sit in an upright position in a chair and look up to the ceiling, arching your neck back as far as possible. Now purse your lips and blow air out through them. Continue doing this for 20 seconds. 

Repeat this exercise three times per day.

2. Tennis Ball Compressions

Sit upright in a chair and then place a tennis ball between your chin and your neck. Now gently push down on the ball as you tighten the muscles of your neck. Relax and then repeat. Perform 25 reps of this exercise at a time. 

Repeat this exercise threes time throughout the day.

3. Neck Glide

Sit upright in a chair with a neutral spine and your arms by your sides. Now, keeping your shoulders facing straight ahead, move your neck to the right. Hold the extended position for 7 seconds then return to the neutral position. Now repeat on the left-hand side. Perform 15 reps on each side.

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Repeat this exercise three times throughout the day.

4. Neck Stretch

Stand in an upright position with your arms at your sides and looking directly ahead. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart. Now, without stopping your shoulders, drop your chin as far as you can. Hold for 2 seconds and then slowly begin to arch your neck back as far as it can go. It should take 5 seconds to move your neck back to full extension. Hold the extended position for 10 seconds. Finally, take another 5 seconds to return back to the start position. 

Perform 15 reps of this exercise. Repeat the exercise three times throughout the day. 

The 4 Best Face Exercises:

1. Lip Pull

Stand in an upright position and look directly ahead. Now, keeping your shoulders in a neutral position, push your jaw as forward as far as you can. From here, push up your lower lip as high as you can. Hold for 15 seconds then return to the start position. Perform 20 reps of this exercise. 

Repeat this exercise three times throughout the day.

2. Mouth Openings

Stand in an upright position and look directly ahead. Now, keeping your shoulders in a neutral position, push your jaw back as far as you can. In this position, open your mouth as wide as possible. Hold this open mouth position for a count of three and then slowly and deliberately close your mouth. Perform 20 reps of this exercise.

Repeat this exercise three times throughout the day. 

3. Fish Face

Stand in an upright position, looking directly ahead with your arms at your sides. Now create a fish face by sucking in your cheeks. In this position, try to form your mouth into a smile. Hold this position for up to 10 seconds. Perform 10 reps of this exercise.

Repeat this exercise three times throughout the day. 

4. Chewing Gum

If you remember back to the last time you chewed gum, you know that it gives your mouth a pretty extensive workout. It also does well for your chin and neck. There’s another reason to chew gum for fat loss, however. Mint gum has been shown to help reduce hunger pangs. Just make sure that the gum you pop into your mouth is sugar-free – otherwise, you will be defeating the purpose!

We recommend purchasing sugar-free mint gum and chewing a piece whenever you get the urge to snack between meals.  Having a piece of gum after dinner will also help you to prevent evening overeating. 

Final Thoughts

You now have a bank of excellent face and neck exercises that you can do every day. Combine them with 2-3 sessions of HIIT exercise and sound calorie-reduced nutrition and you will soon be rewarded with a slimmer, tighter face and neck.

This article was last updated on March 12, 2021 .

Written by
Steve Theunissen

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